X-Men: First Class (2011) ****

X-Men: First ClassThis prequel to the X-Men series is intense, engaging and entertaining.
X-Men: First Class packs several layers of storytelling that could have easily been confusing, into a surprisingly coherent and easy to follow plot. I applaud the script which passed quite a few hands, yet ended up being smooth, with moments of brilliant originality. The story manages to intelligently connect the origins of the series and its main characters, with the later films in the series. It is somewhat similar in approach to what the prequels to Star Wars, Batman and Star Trek were able to accomplish, no small achievement. All this is done over the backdrop of the Cuban 60’s crisis – yet another layer in the story.
Director Matthew Vaughn shows confidence and vision while the cast, led by James McAvoy as Professor X, Michael Fassbender as Magneto and Kevin Bacon as the original supervillain, shine.  For a film that runs over 130 min, it felt like half that running, a sure sign for good filmmaking.